After spending weeks investigating, designing and creating your product based on your design brief, it is very important to evaluate your work. This final evaluation is often neglected because it is the last part of the process. Do not make the mistake of rushing your evaluation or not completing it at all - the evaluation is worth an equal part of your overall mark and well worth submitting with your product.
When evaluating your work, it is important to be critical of your work and honest about your final product as well as your time management skills. You can write up your evaluation using the template below or any other appropriate medium.
When evaluating your work, it is important to be critical of your work and honest about your final product as well as your time management skills. You can write up your evaluation using the template below or any other appropriate medium.
Use the list of questions below to help inform your evaluation.
- In what ways does your product fulfil the design brief? In what ways does it not meet the brief?
- What do you think of your overall design? What changes would you make?
- Are you happy with the textiles you chose? Would you make adjustments next time?
- Is the colour scheme exactly what you expected? How would you change the scheme if remaking your product?
- How were your time management skills during the investigation, design and creation of your product? Make recommendations for future productions — what might you do differently in your production plan?
- Did the project take too long to make? Would this alter the cost of manufacture?
- Would it be easy to set up a production line for the manufacture of your product?
- Are the techniques (eg. cutting, machine sewing, overlocking, hand sewing etc.) you used to make your solution adequate/suitable? How would you improve these techniques? Will the product be durable? Were the techniques well executed?
- Is the product the right size/shape?
- What are the views of other people regarding your design and final product?
- Does your product work? What changes are required?
- List at least three ways in which your product could be improved. How would you go about achieving those improvements?
Adapted from: http://www.technologystudent.com/designpro/eval1.htm