Year Nine Textiles
In year nine, students focus on exploring how combining different ideas in creative ways can lead to innovative new products through an inquiry into the environmental impact of various methods of dyeing and printing on plain fabrics. Under the Global Context of Globalisation and Sustainability, continue to explore issues in sustainability in the textiles and fashion industries, investigating, comparing and contrasting the environmental impact of different methodologies of producing and colouring fabrics. Students will explore several inquiry questions, such as ‘How can I reduce the environmental impact of finishing the fabric for my own design?’ as they progress through their unit of learning.
Students will apply the knowledge and practical skills gained in previous units to address their design brief and will investigate natural and synthetic methods of colouring fabrics. Focusing on the Key Concept of Creativity, they will design new textile items from calico fabric using various techniques. During the course, students will concentrate on organisation and self management skills throughout their approaches to learning. They will be reflective in the evaluation of their learning process and the ideas they communicate through their work. Students will work collaboratively offering encouragement, and formative feedback to their peers, whilst graciously receiving feedback on their work.
Students will apply the knowledge and practical skills gained in previous units to address their design brief and will investigate natural and synthetic methods of colouring fabrics. Focusing on the Key Concept of Creativity, they will design new textile items from calico fabric using various techniques. During the course, students will concentrate on organisation and self management skills throughout their approaches to learning. They will be reflective in the evaluation of their learning process and the ideas they communicate through their work. Students will work collaboratively offering encouragement, and formative feedback to their peers, whilst graciously receiving feedback on their work.
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Website designed and created by Alice Osborne, Alamanda College